Background & Roles and Responsibilities of NMCS

The course is designed to develop assertive attitudes in clinicians that encourage them to challenge and change their expectations of current NHS practice. Moving from a position of assuming the NHS will meet all their professional development, to expecting to actively lead their own.

In order to create an environment where change in NHS culture can take place, the training teaches the reflector to, 

• actively lead their supervision session

• instruct their facilitator in what they want from the session

• bring all the agenda

• for facilitators to actively listen and help supervisees find their own answers - these concepts turn    the traditional roles of supervision upside down

• develops reflective practice and analytical thinking

• challenges and improves communication skills.

• encourages client centred practice.

• demands leadership skills

• provides a supportive challenging environment

• encourages clinicians to take individual responsibility for their practice

Individuals are encouraged to take charge of their future, their learning, and their development.



Roles and Responsibilities of Non-managerial Clinical Supervision


The relationship between people involved in NMCS should be one of

  • Equality
  • Mutual trust
  • Respect
  • Confidentiality
  • Openness and honesty
  • Reflection and creative thinking
  • Adherence to the model and protocol
  • Willingness to explore and change
  • Commitment to the relationship


The Reflector needs to be

  • Prepared for and lead the session
  • Assertive about their needs for the session and give clear requests
  • Active in generating solutions
  • Aware of the role of the Facilitator and boundaries of that role


The Facilitator needs to be

  • Able to take on a non-managerial role within the session
  • A good listener
  • Approachable
  • Non-judgemental
  • Able to ask open questions and refrain from advice giving
  • Empathetic
  • Encouraging
  • Prepared to share skills, experiences and knowledge when appropriate
  • Aware of the limits of the role


The Observer needs to be

  • Prepared to listen
  • Ready to offer feedback on request
  • Non judgemental
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© Jane Hill 2010-2020